Athenaïs de Trianon
Athenaïs de Trianon, died on 4th March 2007 of a heart attack. Athenaïs was not 2 years old.
She was an excellent mother, so sweet and playful...

Uppsala de Kermanchar
Born on April 19th 2003 and died on December 21st 2004 of an hepatitis.
You were so playful with the strong character of a tortie girl but so shy at the same time.
I won’t never forget you.

exotic shorthair tortioiseshell, born the 19th April 03,
out No Comment Ripley and Szora de Khorassan.

Télémaque de Trianon

Born on July 17th 2002 and died in October 2004 of a lever disease.
You were a playful kitty and then a lovely fatty boy. Thanks to Mrs Malter of having
taken such a good care of my baby.